Independent Together


Thanks be! We had a really great weekend in the garden on Frankford Avenue. About twelve or so individuals from Lancaster County came to lend a hand in the garden on Saturday. They were a real delightful bunch; they came ready to work hard and seemed to have a lot of fun doing it. Here are some pictures of them in action.

DSC00554They mowed and turned beds. That is Ben to the right with the mower; he and Lindsay (pictured to the left in the photo below) were in charge of the group.


A lot of weeding (pictured above and below) went on, these guys and gals were thorough and knowlegeable.



They also brought a truckload of mulch with them and mulched our beds, which not only looks nice, but helps the plants retain water and helps keep weeds at bay.


 More weeding! I was so amazed when I returned on Sunday morning when the garden was deserted and all was quiet; the garden looked beautiful!


They also worked on the walk that Dan and I started a few weeks ago. They were diligent, I think they may have doubled the walk’s length.


They also relined a few of our paths and replentished our woodchips.

On the way back to the garden from a water run, a young lady stated that this was the first Fourth of July that she had not spent with family. Hmm, I felt like I was with family.

Everyone was hot and tired by the end of the day, but I think we all had fun and felt a great sense of accomplishment. I saw Dan on Sunday morning and he said that all the work and progress on Saturday was inspiring. I agree, and not only was their productivity inspiring, but their selflessness was inpirational as well. They came and really gave it up for the garden and were joyful all the while.

Thanks again for showing up and representing! It really does mean a lot to us. We hope to see you all again.

Be well.

One Response to “Independent Together”

  1. Brian Baughan Says:

    Woah, what a big help from those Lancaster folks. The garden’s looking great. Nice pictures!

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